A new UK Government took office on 11 May 2010. As a result the content on this site may not reflect current Government policy.
All statutory guidance and legislation published on this site continues to reflect the current legal position unless indicated otherwise.
To view the new Department for Education website, please go to http://www.education.gov.uk

Standard Specifications, Layouts and Dimensions

The Standard Specifications, Layouts and Dimensions (SSLD) for School Buildings booklets were developed specifically for BSF by the DfE and PfS.

The series sets out the standards for a range of elements in schools and shows how these standards might be delivered through design examples. The aim is to disseminate best practice and avoid 'reinventing the wheel' every time a school building is designed, so that consistently high quality environments can be delivered, offering best whole-life value for money.

School building clients, their professional advisers, contractors and their supply chains should use the guidance to inform their decisions at the early stages of a project's development - whether new build, extension or refurbishment.

The current titles in the series, available to download here, are: